Birth Control
Birth Control
Speak to a Doctor online to find the right birth control option for you. Join 1000s of Singaporean women who are getting their treatment hassle-free with Ova.
Tailored plans just for you.Professional
Licensed Singaporean Doctors.Discreet
100% online experience.These are a number of treatments available in the market.
Doctor prescribed Birth Control plans
Doctor prescribed Birth Control plans
Birth Control Pills
What treatments exist?
There are two main types: combination and mini pills. The pill is up to 99% effective if taken regularly.
How do they work?
Combination pills contain both estrogen and progestin whilst minipills only contain progestin. These hormones safely stop you from ovulating, preventing pregnancy.
As well as preventing pregnancy the pill can also help with PMS, acne, weight and make periods more regular or the flow lighter.
Initial medical consultation: $20
Discreet, 4 hour shipping
Birth Control Patches
What treatments exist?
The patch is a thin trans-dermal adhesive that is worn on the body and is worn up to a week at a time.
How do they work?
The patch releases synthetic estrogen and progestogen hormones to prevent pregnancy.
Initial medical consultation: $20
Discreet, 4 hour shipping
2 steps to get your treatment today
2 steps to get your treatment today
Birth control may help with
Birth control may help with



Period Regulation

Period Pains


PCOS Symptoms
What you should do depends on which brand of pill you are taking, and on which week of the course you are currently on.
The general rule to follow is to take the pills for 7 continuous days to achieve contraceptive effect. Do refer to the product insert for more information.
While you are on the pill, you should not have your period because it will be suppressed. Some women may experience minor spotting. Your period will come during the pill-free week, usually days 2-3 after finishing the hormone-containing pills.
Different brands of contraceptive pills may have different additional benefits (e.g. to help with acne or excessive hair growth) and side effect profiles.
The best brand for you will depend on whether you have other conditions and if you have experienced serious side effects from any products before. It’s advisable to have an informed discussion with your medical profesional on the pros and cons of each pill.
All birth control pills contain hormones, and may not be suitable for women with certain conditions. Your medical professional should be aware of any medical conditions you may have.
Different brands have different side effects, and some have less than others. As these pills may interact with other medicines too, please inform your medical professional of all the medicines and supplements which you are currently taking.